The college is administrated by the college council which is headed by the dean. The college council has many authorities to design and implement the necessary regulations for both scientific and administrative issues. This council involves the head of departments and dean assistants.
A number of administration units has also found to follow up the follow up, for example, students registration, their academic affairs till graduation, staff affairs. These units includes:
Administrative units associated with the Dean:
1- College Council Secretariat.
2- Consultation office.
3 -Dean’s office.
4 – Scientific Promotion Committee.
5 – The Scientific Journal.
6 – Legal unit.
7 – Audit Division.
The units associated with the administrative dean assistant
1- Human Resources unit.
2- Accounts unit.
3-Maintenance unit.
4-Media unit.
5-Library unit.
6-Electronic administration unit.
7-Store unit
The divisions and units associated with the scientific assistant:
1-Registration unit.
2-Graduate Studies unit.
3-Scientific Affairs unit.
4-Division of Planning and Follow-up unit .
5-Division of Quality Assurance and University Performance unit.
6-Summer Training Unit unit.