Asst.Prof.Dr. Rabee Jamel
The Department of Architecture at Wasit University was established in 2014, and the department awards a bachelor’s degree in architecture engineering after passing (200) credit hours. The department is looking forward to obtaining international accreditation to achieve a higher degree of quality in accordance with international standards and local accredits. The department aims to prepare distinguished engineers who are able to keep pace with engineering and scientific developments and compete in the Employment.
The study in the department focuses on solving problems that the local urban environment suffers from in a way that ensures positive solutions that contribute to enhancing the urban reality, as well as bridging the high shortage in the quality of engineers with experience and specialization and working to increase their sensitivity to the features and characteristics of the local urban environment. From that, the department sought to enhance this approach by opening postgraduate studies in urban design for a master’s degree, which represents a significant qualitative leap for the governorate.
The Department of Architecture at Wasit University seeks to be a leader in Iraq and the region in teaching architecture and providing innovative solutions to solve Architecture and urban problems facing the local community, within an integrated methodology that achieves a balance between human, community needs and environment.
A leading scientific department in teaching architectural engineering subjects to provide solutions to address urban and architectural issues.
Mission: Prepare architects capable of designing and managing architectural, urban, interior design, and landscape projects
- 1. It aims to provide high-quality education to prepare competent architects capable of preparing architectural and urban projects that contribute to the development and well-being of society.
2. It aims to enhance the practical aspect by integrating it with theoretical knowledge of architecture courses.
3. It aims to develop and direct scientific research and discovery to conclude and solve urban, societal, and environmental issues.
4. It aims to update practical educational programs following technical developments in engineering and architectural software.
5. Contributing with college staff in providing engineering advice to local and national institutions and companies.
6. Organizing lectures and scientific seminars to increase knowledge and continuous practical development.
The department has 27 academic members with different academic background. For further details on the department academic staff CLICK HERE
For 2021, the number of students are 111 for first class, 53 for the second class, 41 for third class, and 63 for fourth class.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Fv
- https://www.tiktok.com/@arch.wasit?
- https://t.me/ArchWasit
- https://www.facebook.com/arch.wasit/
- https://www.instagram.com/arch.wasit/
- www.albenaamag.com
- www.arcat.com
- www.arch2o.com
- www.archdaily.com
- www.archello.com
- www.architbang.com
- www.architizer.com
- www.autodesk.com/education
- www.ck12.org
- www.color.adobe.com
- www.designboom.com
- www.dezeen.com
- www.e-architect.co.uk
- www.edx.org
- www.coursera.org
- www.udacity.com
- www.edraak.org
- www.class.stanford.edu
- www.venture-lab.org
- www.education.10gen.com
- www.ocw.mit.edu
- www.webcast.berkeley.edu
- www.issuu.com
- www.pinterest.com
- www.scribd.com
- www.udemy.com
- www.skillshare.com
- www.codecademy.com
- www.ed.ted.com
- www.myopencourses.com
- www.myopencampus.in
- www.academicearth.org
- www.youtube.com/education
- www.phodphad.com
- www.learntobe.org
- www.floqq.com
- www.learnerstv.com
- www.coursetalk.org
- www.skillacademy.com
- www.goodreads.com