Dr. Zena is a professor in the Mechanical engineering department. She obtained his BSc in mechanical engineering science from the university of Technology in 1984. Then obtained MSc in fluid mechanics on 1992. On 2005, she was awarded the PhD degree in the Thermal power from he same university. Prof. Zena has supervised many MSc and PhD researches on the thermal power field and using Nano particles in improvement of heat exchanger performance.  

  • Heat transfer.
  • Advanced heat transfer MSc.
  • Heat and Mass Transfer.
  • Thermodynamic (Heat exchanger).
  • Fluid dynamic.
  • Aerodynamic.
  • Two-phase flow and Nano-Fluid.

Dr. Abbas Jasim Jubear is a professor in the Mechanical engineering department. He is the head of the department since June 2020. He obtained his BSc in mechanical engineering science from the university of Technology in 1995. Then obtained MSc in fluid mechanics on 2003. On 2014, He was awarded the PhD degree in the Thermal engineering. 

  • Power plants.
  • Advanced Mathematics.
  • Heat transfer.
  • Fluid Flow and Aerodynamics.
  • Renewable Energy.

under construction

  • Thermodynamics
  • Solar energy
  • Numerical Method
  • Heat Transfer
  • Heat Transfer Lab
  • Thermodynamics Lab
  • Internal Combustion Engine
  • Solar energy
  • solar desalination
  • solar collector
  • ORC and Stirling Engine
Asst.Prof.Dr.Abdulsalam D.M. Hassen
  • B.Sc. In mechanical Engineering- University of Technology.
  • M.Sc. Sir conditioning and refrigeration- University of Technology.
  • PhD –Energy – France


  • Power
  • Air conditioning and Refrigeration.
  • Thermal applications of Solar energy.


Dr.Hadi Obeid Basher Al quraishi is assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (1979) from Mosul University. In 1991, he got a MSc in Mechanical Engineering  from kiev  Polytechnic Institute. In 1993 he got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Institute of Civil Aviation Engineering in Kiev(Ukrraine)

  • Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Lab.
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Heat Transfer
  • Solar Energy
  • Turbo Machinery

Dr. Alaa Al-Badri is assistant professor in the mechanical engineering department in Wasit University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering   in 2014from The University of Erlangen, Bayern, / Germany. His master degree was awarded from University of Technology in 2004 and the Bsc was from the Babylon University in 1995. His research focuses on heat transfer, air conditioning and refrigeration.

  • Air conditioning and refrigeration.
  • Control and measurements.
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration.
  • Condensation.
  • Heat exchanger.
  • Thermodynamics.
Asst.Prof.Dr.Batool M.Faisal
  •  Design of mechanical systems.
  • Descriptive engineering
  • Stress analysis
  • Visco-Elasticity
  • Mechanical properties of Engineering Materials
  • Nano-Technology

Dr. Kamil Adbulhussein Khalaf is assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering(Automotive Engineering)  (1985) from University of Technology, Baghdad. In 1991, he got a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Byelorussian Polytechnic Institute, Minsk (USSR). In 1993 he got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering(Engineering Automobiles and  Tractors) from Byelorussian State Polytechnic Academy

  • Design of Machine Elements
  • Strength of Materials Lab.
  • Engineering Mechanics.
  • Automobiles and Tractors
  • Heat Transfer
  • Solar Energy
  • Fluid dynamics

Dr. Farouk Omar Hamdoon received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics) in 2014 from The University of Technology, Baghdad. He finished his M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics) and B.Sc. in Mehanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) from the same university. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wasit, Iraq. His research fields focus on Rotor Dynamics , Fluid –Structure Interaction, Fault Detection.

  • Mechanical Vibration
  • Dynamics
  • Theory of Machines
  • Machine Design
  • Fluid structure interaction.
  • Rotor dynamics.
  • Structural dynamics

Dr. Azzam S. Albunduqee is assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Production Engineering and Metallurgy/ Production Engineering (1999) from University of Technology. In 2010, he got a MSc in Production Engineering /CAD/CAM from Jadavpur University/India (Fellow of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations ICCR). In 2016 he got a PhD in Advanced Manufacturing Processes from University of Technology/ Baghdad.

  • Manufacturing Process.
  • English(PG)
  • Nontraditional Manufacturing processes.
  • Advance welding.
  • Process modeling.
  • Optimization.
  • CAD/CAM.

Dr. Hussein R.Al-Bugharbee  is assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (2002) from Baghdad University. In 2006, he got a MSc in Applied Mechanics from University of Baghdad. In 2016 he got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Strathclyde University in the UK.

  • English (MSc water and environment  engineering.
  • Strength of Materials.
  • Machinery Condition Monitoring.
  • Vibration analysis.
  •  Machine Learning

Dr. Mohammed Ghalib Al- Azawy is a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor and a master degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2002&2006respectively from Al-Kufa University. In 2016, he got his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Manchester University in the UK. His research focuses on biomechanical engineering, CFD and Turbulence modelling.

  • Numerical analysis.
  • Engineering Analysis.
  • Research methodology.
  • Biomechanical engineering.

  • CFD.

  • Turbulent Flow.

  • Non-Newtonian blood flow.

Hussein Dalfi is a lecturer of Material Engineering at Mechanical Department/ College of Engineering / Wasit‘s University. He obtained his PhD from School of Material, University of Manchester in 2018. Prior to joining Wasit University in 2006, he finished his B.Sc. and M.Sc. studying in Material Engineering from Babylon University in 1998 and 2002 respectively.

  • Mechanical Drawing
  • Hussein’s research interests are mainly focused on toughening of polymer composites by using hybridization and fiber architecture, aiming to gain a sound scientific understanding of their influence on the damage tolerance of composite laminates, whilst also creating advanced polymer composites with controllable morphologies and properties for a variety of applications including healthcare, energy and general engineering.  To achieve these aims, his research takes a holistic approach, such as yarns-level hybridization, weaving different types of fabrics (i.e. 2D and 3D) functionalization by using qausi- and dynamics testing, manufacturing processing, characterization damage failures occurred from testing by using optical microscopy and SEM investigation. His current research activities cover the following topics:

    • Manufacturing textile preforms (i.e. UD, 2D and 3D preforms).
    • Investigation behavior of textile preforms
    • Producing textile composite materials using vacuum bagging process.
    • Investigation mechanical properties of textile composite materials.
    • Damage tolerance of textile composite laminates.
    • Flexural and Residual flexural strength of composite material
    • Characterization and detection damage failures using destructive and non-destructive scanning tests.
    • Tailoring performance of composite using balancing between in-plane properties and impact loading.

Anwer J. Al-Obaidi is a lecturer in the engineering college – mechanical engineering department at the Wasit University – Iraq, where he has been a college member since 2010. Al-Obaidi completed his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the University of Sheffield (UK) – 2018. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies from the Al-Nahrain University – Iraq in 2005, and 2009, respectively.  Al-Obaidi is an Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the UK.

  • Engineering Mechanics (II) (Dynamics)

  • Stress Analysis
  • Composite Materials
  • Ultrasonic Welding
  • Advanced Additive Manufacturing
  • Design of Experiments
  • Biomaterials Engineering.

Dr. Ahmed A.Al-Waaly is a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor and a master degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1993 &1996 respectively from Al-Nahrain University. In 2016, he got his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Glasgow University in the UK. His research focuses on Turbomachinery, Thermal Engineering, CFD finite elements analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics software.

  • Mathematics – first year mechanical engineering, 2015-2016.
  • Internal combustion engine – third year first year mechanical engineering, 2016-till now.
  • Control engineering – forth year – 2019-2020.
  • Measurements – 2019-2020.
  • Turbomachinery.

  • Thermal Engineering.

  • CFD finite elements analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics software.

Click here to visit Google Scholar

  1. Alaa Ruhma Al-Badri, Ahmed A.Y.Al-Waaly, “The influence of chilled water on the performance of direct evaporative cooling“, Energy and Buildings, accepted in press, 2017.
  2. Ahmed A.Y. AlWaaly, Manosh C. Paul, Phillip S. Dobson, Philipp Steinmann, ” Thermocouple heating impact on the temperature measurement of small volume of water in a cooling system“, Applied Thermal Engineering, 127 (2017) 650–661.
  3. Ahmed A.Y. AlWaaly, Manosh C. Paul, Phillip S. Dobson, “Liquid cooling of non-uniform heat flux of a chip circuit by subchannels”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 115 (2017) 558–574.
  4. Ahmed A.Y. AlWaaly, Manosh C. Paul, Phillip S. Dobson, “Effects of thermocouple electrical insulation on the measurement of surface temperature”, Applied Thermal Engineering 89 (2015) p.p.421-431.
  5. Ahmed A.Y. AlWaaly, Manosh C. Paul, Phillip S. Dobson, “Liquid Cooling of Non-Uniform Heat flux of Chip Circuit by Submicrochannels”, 1st-2nd of June 2014, Conference on Advances In Civil, Structural And Mechanical Engineering- CSM 2014/Westminster University), London, United Kingdom.
  6. Ahmed A.Y. AlWaaly, Manosh C. Paul, Phillip S. Dobson, “Effect of thermocouple electrical insulation on the measurement of surface temperature”, 13th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2013), 2nd – 3rd September 2013, London, United Kingdom.
  7. 25th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 30th May 2012, POSTER, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
  8. Iraqi Cultural Attaché Conference for Engineers, 1-2/10/2011, POSTER College of London, London, United Kingdom.
  9. 24th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 25th May 2011, POSTER, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
  10. Ahmed A. Yaseen, “Exergy Analysis of a Two-shaft Gas Turbine Power Plant with Steam Injection”, Journal of Engineering / Baghdad University/ 2009.
  11. Ahmed A. Yaseen, ” Exergy Analysis for The Second South of Baghdad Gas Turbine Power Plant“, The Second Scientific Conference of Wassit University, 2009.
  12. Ahmed A. Yaseen, “Exergy Analysis of a Single-shaft Gas Turbine Power Plant with Steam Injection”, Journal Wassit for Science and Medicine, V1, No.2, August 2008.
Dr. Ammar Dawood Ghali Al-Rubaye is Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering staff of the College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (2001) from the Technical college of Baghdad. In 2006, he got MSc in Dies and Tools Engineering. In 2019 he got a PhD in Applied Mechanics from the department Mechanical Engineering Sheffield University / UK.

Principle of manufacture process, engineering drawing.
Academic affiliation / University of wasit, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department
Academic Specialization (General/specific)/ Mechanical Engineering / Applied mechanics

Stress and strain analysis/ Manufacturing Processes / Forming and Machining Operations/ Die and Tools (Design and Manufacturing) / Engineering material.

Dr. Radwan M. Aljuhashy is currently a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering at Wasit University. He received his Bachelor (2004) and M.Sc (2008) degrees in Mechanical Engineering specialisation in thermo-fluids from University of Baghdad, Iraq. He did his Ph.D in the same field from the University of Sheffield, UK in 2019. His research focuses on Thermo-fluids, CFD and Renewable energy.

  • Engineering mechanics STATICS. 
  • English III.
  • Fluid lab.
  • Thermo-fluids, CFD and Renewable energy.

Dr. Amer Ghazi Alomarah is a doctor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Automated Manufacturing (2006) and Master degree (2012) in Advance manufacturing systems from Al Khawarizmi college of Engineering/Baghdad University. In 2020 he got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Product Design Engineering from Swinburne University/Australia. Dr. Alomarah research interests include evaluation of the mechanical response of materials and structures; additive manufacturing, materials with negative Poisson’s ratio. Dr. Alomarah has published over 11 academic papers in top international journals and prestigious international conferences.

  • Computer aided engineering, finite element analysis (Ansys)
  • Computer aided design (CAD)
  • Auxetic materials and structures
  • 3D printing techniques.
  • Mechanical properties of auxetic materials/structures fabricated by 3D printing techniques
  • Dynamic properties of metamaterials produced by addictive manufacturing (Multi Jet Fusion, Fused Deposition Modeling, selective laser melting and sterolithography)
  • Mechanical performance of hybrid structures under quasi-static and dynamic loadings.
  • Tubular auxetic structures for bio-medical applications.
  • Energy absorption for automotive industry and protective equipment.
  • Numerical simulation, finite element analysis (FEA)
  • Development of superior metamaterials for energy absorption applications.


  • Metallurgy. 
  • • Tribology and tribocorrosion.
    • Corrosion (DC and EIS characterization techniques).
    • Nano-mechanical characterization by Nanoindentation.
    • AFM.
    • SEM.
    • FIB imaging.
    • 3D optical microscope.

Click here to visit Google Scholar

  1. Moosa, A.A., Faisal, A.Q. and Namus, R.M., 2014. Surface Modification of Multiwall Carbon
    Nanotubes for Metal Matrix Nan composite Applications. Engineering and Technology
    Journal, 32(7 Part (A) Engineering), pp.1859-1869.
  2. Namus, R., P. Zeng, and W. M. Rainforth. “Correlation of the wear transition in CoCrMo alloys
    with the formation of a nanocrystalline surface layer and a proteinaceous surface
    film.” Wear 376 (2017): 223-231.
  3. Bai, Mingwen, Righdan Namus, Yidong Xu, Dikai Guan, Mark W. Rainforth, and Beverley J.
    Inkson. “In-situ Ti-6Al-4V/TiC composites synthesized by reactive spark plasma sintering:
    Processing, microstructure, and dry sliding wear behaviour.” Wear (2019): 202944.
  4. Namus, R., Nutter, J., Qi, J. and Rainforth, W.M., 2020. The influence of protein concentration,
    temperature and cathodic polarization on the surface status of CoCrMo biomedical grade
    alloys. Applied Surface Science, 499, p.143908.
  5.  Namus, R. and Rainforth, W.M., 2020. Influence of protein adsorption on tribocorrosion
    behaviour of CoCrMo biomedical-grade alloys. Tribology International, p.106364.
  6.  Muangtong, Piyanut, Righdan Mohsen Namus, and Russell Goodall. “Improved Tribocorrosion
    Resistance by Addition of Sn to CrFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy.” Metals 11, no. 1 (2021): 13.
  7.  Namus, Righdan, W. Mark Rainforth, Yi Huang, and Terence G. Langdon. “Effect of grain size
    and crystallographic structure on the corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of a CoCrMo
    biomedical grade alloy in simulated body fluid.” Wear 478 (2021): 203884.
  8.  Namus, Righdan, John Nutter, Jiahui Qi, and W. M. Rainforth. “Sliding speed influence on the
    tribo-corrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V alloy in simulated body fluid.” Tribology
    International 160 (2021): 107023.
  9. Namus. R. and Rainforth, W.M “The influence of cathodic potentials on the surface oxide layer
    status and tribocorrosion behaviour of CoCrMo and Ti6Al4V alloys in simulated body fluid” (publication is in progress).
Toggle Content
Dr.Nihad K Frhan

Dr.Nihad K Frhan Al-Abboodi a lecturer at department of Mechanical Engineering University of wasit. He has a B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering (2003) from University of Technology ,Baghdad. In 2010, he got his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sam Higgionbottom Institute of Technology, India. He received his PhD (2021) from university Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia. His specific specialization is Engineering-Internal Combustion Engine focused on the possibility of using hydrogen and biodiesel as an alternative fuel to fossil fuels.

  • Internal Combustion Engines
  • Mathematics
  • Fundamental Of Computer Science
  • Quick Basic Programing
  • Internal combustion engines 
  • Biodiesel fuel
Dr.Hiydar Kireem Musraa
Dr. Hiydar Al-Abedy currently works at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wasit University. Hiydar does research in Structural Engineering, Materials Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Their most recent publication is ‘Small Punch Creep Property Evaluation by Finite Element of Kocks-Mecking-Estrin Model for P91 at Elevated Temperature’.
  • Mechanical Drawing.
  • Theory of Machines
  • Small punch creep.
  • Small punch tensile.
  • Finite element.

 Dr. Mohammed Hussien Rady was born on September 1, 1973 in Wasit, Iraq. He went to Al-Numaniya High School, Wasit, Iraq for his secondary education. He pursued his degree at the University of Babil, Babylon city in Iraq and graduated with B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering Department in 1995. After graduation, he worked as engineer in Al-Numaniya company then, as lecturer in Mechanical Department, High Industrial Vocational School, Wasit. He enrolled at the University of Pune, India in 2008 for his Master’s degree, received a special award in Design Engineering, and graduated in 2010. Thereafter, he applied to work as a lecturer at the Wasit University, Mechanical Department and he became a member of the teaching staff in 2013. He was teaching several subjects, such as Strength of Materials, Static Mechanics, Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Engineering Materials, Control and Measurements and Technical English Language in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Wasit University. In 2017, he enrolled at the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia for his Doctoral degree, received a special award in fatigue life and mechanical behaviour of aluminium alloy AA6061 chips prepared by hot extrusion process, and graduated in  January 2020.

  • Strength of Materials.
  • Static Mechanics.
  • Mathematics.
  • Engineering Drawing.
  • Engineering Materials.
  • Control and Measurements.
  • Technical English Language
  • Applied Mechanics, Fatigue
Amina H. Alikhan is a lecturer in the college – mechanical engineering department at the Wasit University – Iraq, where she has been a college member since 2013. Alikhan completed her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the Ferdowsi University in Iran – 2021.
  • Numerical analysis.
  • Engineering drawing
  • AutoCAD lab
  • Thermodynamic laboratory. 
  • Renewable Energy Technologies

  • Heat transfer

  • Heat exchanger

  • Plate heat exchanger

  • Nanofluids and hybrid nanofluids

  • Thermal Engineering

  • Energy 

Dr.Ameer K. Alhilo

Simulation of thermal power

Dr.Khalil Saleem Jebur

PhD– Mechanical engineering / Solar Energy /USQ – Australia (Graduation date: 2019)
M.Sc. Mechanical engineering / refrigeration and air condition (Graduation date: 2013)
B.Sc.-mechanical engineering / general /University of Technology (Graduation date: 2004)

PhD– Mechanical engineering / Solar Energy /USQ – Australia (Graduation date: 2019)
M.Sc. Mechanical engineering / refrigeration and air condition (Graduation date: 2013)
B.Sc.-mechanical engineering / general /University of Technology (Graduation date: 2004)

Solar Energy:

1- Parabolic Trough Solar Collector,

2- Flat Plate Collector,

3- Evacuated Tube Solar Collector,

4- Solar Photovoltaic Cell.

BioFuel Energy:


2-Alcoholic Fermentation,

3-Anaerobic Digestion

Dr.Kadhim Hussein Mukhirmesh

ME Mechanical Eng. Osmania University/ INDIA,

PhD Production Eng.University of Technology/Baghdad,IRAQ 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Applied, Forming, SMF, Stress analysis

Header M. Alrufaifi is currently a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering of College of Engineering at Wasit University. He received an M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Baghdad – Baghdad, Iraq in 2012. Before that, he received a B.Sc. degree in Production Engineering from the University of Technology – Baghdad, Iraq in 2006. In 2021, he got his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA. His primary research interests include studying the geometrical disassembly feasibility in the early design phase of mechanical assemblies to improve disassembly design.

  • Industrial Engineering.
  • Assembly/Disassembly Planning
  • Lean Manufacturing.
  • Manufacturing Systems.
Mr.Abdalameer Tariq Abbas
Msc. Abdalameer T Abbas is currently now a lecturer in the department of Mechanical Engineering – College of Engineering at Wasit University. I received my Bachelor (1987) and M.Sc (2002) degrees in Mechanical Engineering specialization in applied mechanics / aircraft design from University of Technology “Former Military Engineering College”, Iraq. My research focuses on Applied Mechanics, FEM.
  • Engineering mechanics Statics.
  • Engineering mechanics Dynamics.
  • Strength of Materials.
  • Mathematics.
  • FEM, ANSYS program.
Lecturer Muhannad Salah Jaafar holds a Bachelor’s degree in Production Engineering from the Technological University in 1998 and a Master’s degree in Manufacturing Technology from the South Russian Applied University in 2017. He is currently part-time studying for a PhD in Production Engineering at the Technological University.

 Engineering Drawing
 Mechanical Drawing
 Materials Resistance Lab
Computer Applications Lab
Manufacturing Methods
Industrial Engineering
 Graduation Project Supervision

  •  Manufacturing and production

Mr. Ahmed Hashim Oleiwi is a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department College of Engineering at Wasit University. He has a Bachelor and Master degree in material Engineering in 2015&2021 respectively from university of Technology / Material Engineering Department

  • Fundamental of Computer Science
  • Quick Basic Programing
  • Electrical Engineering Lab.
  • Thermodynamic Lab.
  • Composite materials Investigation
  • Membranes Characterization.


  • Metals heat treatment and mechanical properties.
  • Metal composite.
  • Materials engineering
Asst. Lect. Rand Jaffer Jadoau

Assistant lecturer  Rand Jaffer  had a master degree in electromechanical engineering from university of technology-Baghdad  (2018)

She is teaching courses of  Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines in Wasit University – College of  Engineering – Mechanical Department
  • Electrical Engineering ( theoretical+ Lab.)
  •  Electrical Machines
  • mechanical design
  • Robot design
  • electrical engineering

Number of published papers: 1

Asst. lect. Elaf Sadeq Barrak

Dr. Elaf finished a B.Sc. degree in 2015 and a M.Sc. in 2018 from the University of Wasit. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2024) from the University of Technology-Baghdad- Iraq (UOT).

  • Descriptive Engineering

  • Power generation
  • Refrigeration and Air conditioning
  • Thermal power
  • Air ventilation

Number of published papers: 6

Asst. Lect. Nagham Qassim Shari

Assistant lecturer  Nagham had a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wasit, Wasit in 2012, and she finished her Master’s degree in Power generation from University of Wasit,  Wasit  in 2017

  • Heat transfer lab.
  • Control and Measurement lab.
  • Thermodynamic lab.
  • Mechanical drawing
  • Programming lab 2
  • Heat transfer ,
  • power generation

Number of published papers: 2

Assistant Lecturer. Duaa Amer Dhiab

Assistant Lecturer. Duaa had a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wasit in 2016

  • Math tutorial
  • Fluid lab
  • programing lab
  • Electrical engineering lab
  • Heat transfer

Number of published papers: 2

Asst. Lect. Haneen Hassan Rahman

Assistant lecturer  Haneen had a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wasit, Wasit in 2011, and she finished her Master’s degree in Power generation from University of Wasit,  Wasit  in 2017

  • Fluid lab
  • programing lab
  • Heat transfer

Number of published papers: 2

Dr. Olaa Hussein Ali

Dr. Ola Hussein Ali is a teacher of waist University. She received his PhD (2016) from the University of Technology in Materials Engineering Department, and (MSc) from Mustansiriyah University in (2011) in the Composite Materials Engineering.

  •   Resistance laboratory
  • Materials engineering
  • Metallic and non-metallic
  • Welding materials
  • Composite materials

Number of published papers: 6