Prof. Dr. Sabeeh Lafta Farhan
Dr. Sabeeh Lafta Farhan is a Professor and the Vice-Chancellor of Wasit University, Waist- Iraq. With more than 27 years of academic and professional experience, Dr. Farhan also serves as an academic and faculty member at the Department of Architecture, the College of Engineering at Wasit University. His postdoctoral research is from Nottingham Trent University, UK, 2018. He received his PhD (2012), and MSc (2009) in Architecture and Urban Design, both from Baghdad University. His BSc in Architecture is from the University of Technology in Baghdad, Iraq, 1993.
Dr. Farhan is an academic visitor at Nottingham Trent University – Centre of Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage (CAUGH), School of Architecture, Design and Built Environment (2017-2018). His major research focus is on the preservation of the high-profile historical cities and sites, and reviving the tangible and intangible heritage of Iraq.
Dr. Farhan also served at different leading positions such as the Municipality Manager (2002-2005), and the Governor Deputy for technical affairs (2005-2013), of Wasit Governorate – Iraq.
Dr. Farhan is currently the Co-Investigator of two international research projects led by the Nottingham Trent University, the first is funded by AHRC: Heritage Borders of Engagement Network (ENGAGE). The second is funded by the British Academy: Preserving the Disappearing Cultural Heritage of Post-War Mosul, Iraq: Valuing Diversity in the Urban Recovery of Mosul’s Old Districts.
- Architectural Design.
- Interior Design.
- Theories of Architectural Design.
- Theories of Architectural Criticism.
- Traditional city center.
- Iraqi Holy cities
- Cultural heritage
- Preservation
- Urban conservation

Prof. Dr. Ihsan Abbas Jasim
Dr. Ihsan Abbas Jasim is a assistant Professor in Wasit University, Waist- Iraq. With more than 27 years of academic and professional experience, Dr. Jasim also serves as an academic and faculty member at the Department of Architecture, the College of Engineering at Wasit University. Dr. Ihsan Abbas Jasim is a civil engineer and gained a PhD in urban planning from the University of Baghdad, Iraq in 2013. He worked as an engineer at the Municipality of Kut City, Wasit Governorate and Wasit Sewer Directorate. He also lecturer at Al-Kut Institute of Technology and Wasit University. He is currently an assistant professor at the College of Engineering, Wasit University. His specialisation is analysis of the relationship between transport and the urban form . He has published many papers in his field.
- Computer Fundamentals.
- Design Methodology.
- History of Architecture.
- Urban Design Theories.
Urban Transportation.
Built Environment.
Urban Sustainability

Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Majid Hasan
Dr. Haider Majid Hasan is assistant professor in the Architecture Engineering Department of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Architecture Engineering (2002) from Baghdad University. In 2010 he got a PhD in Architecture Engineering .
Urban housing
- Urban design.
Publications click here

Asst. Prof. Dr. Husam Sachit Senah
Dr. Husam Sachit is assistant professor in the Architecture Engineering Department of College of Engineering in Wasit University. He has a Bachelor in Architecture Engineering (2002) from Baghdad University. In 2010 he got a PhD in Architecture Engineering .
- Architectural Design.
- Interior Design.
- Theories of Architectural Design.
- Theories of Architectural Criticism.
- Urban design.
- Urban Renewal.
- Historical Cities Centers.
- Urban transformations.

Intezar Rasheed Zuwer (Lecturer)
under construction
- under construction
- under construction
under construction

Dr. Rabee Jameel Khalid Al-Shammari
My name is Rabee Jameel, a lecturer at Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Wasit, Iraq, I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq in 2001, and I finished my Master’s degree in Architectural Design from Tambov State University in the Russian Federation in 2017, Also I worked in several engineering offices as an architectural designer and Execution Engineer since (2001-2012), and as a leader for Design Studios. My research interest, in Architectural Design, focuses on improving the design process using integrated Architectural Design Strategies. Now I am Ph. Doctorial Student and Researcher at University of Technology.
- Architectural Design.
- Architectural Presentation.
- Principles of art and architecture.
- Contemporary Iraqi architecture
- Architectural Design Strategies.
- Theory of Architecture.
- Architectural Design.
- Design process

Dr. Adil Mahdi Jabbar
Dr. Adil had PhD and MSc in Structural Engineering from the University of Technology-Baghdad. He had a BSc in Building & Construction Engineering from UoT-Baghdad. He was responsible for the Research and Development Division at the College of Engineering for the period 2016-2018.
Now, he is responsible for the Scientific Affairs Division at the College of Engineering, Also, he is a coordinator of the Architectural Engineering Department Council.
- Theory of Structures
- Reinforced Concrete Analysis and design
- Steel Structures
- Building Construction
- Construction systems for wide and tall buildings
- Structures I & II
- Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams in Flexure and Shear
- Ultra-high Performance Concrete
- Innovation of Construction materials
- Jabbar, A. M. (2017). Estimation of fresh concrete temperature. Wasit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 5(2), 55–63. https://doi.org/10.31185/ejuow.Vol5.Iss2.59
- M. Jabbar, M. J. Hamood, and D. H. Mohammed, “Ultra High Performance Concrete Preparation Technologies and Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties: A Review,” IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 1058, no. 1, p. 012029, 2021, doi: 10.1088/1757- 899x/1058/1/012029
- M. Jabbar, M. J. Hamood, and D. H. Mohammed, “Mitigation of the Factors Affecting the Autogenous Shrinkage of Ultra-High Performance Concrete,” vol. xx, no. xx, pp. 1– 11. Acceptance of publication by the approval of Journal No.365 in 21/6/2021

Dr. Hala Abdul-Adheem Naman
Hala Abdul Adeem Naman is an Assistant Lecturer in the Architecture Engineering Department of College of Engineering in Wasit University. She has a B.Sc in Computer and Software Engineering (2001) from University of Technology. In 2014 she got a M.Sc in Computer Engineering from University of Technology. PhD candidate in Information and Communication Engineering.
- Computer Applications I
- Computer Applications II
- Computer Applications III
- Visualization by computer
- Computer networking
- wireless communication
- image processing

Dr. Alaa Sabeeh Taeh
- Mathematics
- Building construction
- Building Materials
- Services of Architectural Design
- English Language
- Ceramic and polymer materials.
- Nanotechnology
- Powder technology.
- Medical applications

Dr. Zahraa Hasan Mutar
- zhassan@uowasit.edu.iq
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
- Architecture and Climate
- Sanitary services for buildings
- Building construction
- Material Engineering
- Nanomaterials
- Biomaterials
- Advanced ceramic materials
- Number of published papers: 7
- Number of published books:0

Lect. Raed Naeem Rashid
- raednaeem1980@gmail.com
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
- Accounting
- Improvement financial performance
- Internal control techniques
- Number of published papers:5
- Number of published books:0

Asst. Lect. Husam Kareem Hameed
- halaayedi@uowasit.edu.iq
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
Mr. Husam has an MSc in Water Resources from Wasit University in 2020. He is Asst. Lecturer in Architectural Engineering Department. Now, he is a coordinator of the Department for undergraduate learning.
- Building construction
- Quantity surveying
- Sanitary services for buildings
- Advanced building techniques
- Performance of bridge piers
- Dynamic response of structures
- Water resources
- Number of published papers:4
- Number of published books:0

Asst. Lect. Farah AbdulZahra Tahir
- ftahar@uowasit.edu.iq
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
Assistant lecturer at Wasit University – College of Engineering – Architecture Department. She helps in teaching courses in Air-conditioning Services for Buildings, Architectural Drawing.
- Air conditioning,
- Computer programming
- Engineering drawing
- Refractories
- Number of published papers:4
- Number of published books:0

Asst. Lect. Zainab Jaber Mohammad
- zainab.jaber@uowasit.edu.iq
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
Assistant lecturer at Wasit University – College of Engineering – Architecture Department. She helps in teaching courses in Architectural Drawing, Fundamentals of Computer, Computer Applications
- Architectural drawing
- Computer fundamentals
- Computer applications
- Building construction
- Water Treatment
- Number of published papers:0
- Number of published books:0
Assistant lecturer at Wasit University – College of Engineering – Architecture Engineering Department.
- Project Thesis
- Architectural design
- Contemporary Arab Architecture
- Number of published papers:0
- Number of published books:0

Asst. Lect. Ayam Shyaa Ali Altamemi
- Ayamaltamim3@uowasit.edu.iq
- Research Gate
- Google Scholar
- Linkden
- Academia
Assistant lecturer at Wasit University – College of Engineering – Architecture Engineering Department.
- . Architectural Design
- Architectural Graphics
- Sustainability of building
- Green building techniques
- Modern techniques in architectures
- Number of published papers: 1
- Number of published books:0